Every garment has a story. More than likely, it was made by a particular worker in a particular factory somewhere across the globe. But by who? And where? These are the questions a number of ethically conscious brands are encouraging consumers to ask.
For decades, many of us have taken for granted that our clothes appear on racks and are readily available for purchase in store and online. Fast fashion and current trends are at our finger tips and we all have certain expectations in regards to the quality. But what about expectations in regards to the environment they were manufactured made in? Would the desire to purchase a particular item still remain if people knew the truth about where and how it had been manufactured?
Organic Crew evolved from passion and purpose. A passion to educate others on the importance of making ethical choices and a purpose to make a difference somewhere and somehow. It is our mission to encourage people to ask the question “who made my clothes?” and “where did they come from?”. With education and knowledge comes great power and we are committed to sharing our story with as many people as possible.
We have taken the time, done our research and manufacture our garments in accordance with the highest of ethical standards. We refuse to compromise on quality and believe it is possible to enjoy luxury without compromising the people or the planet. We source our 100% organic certified cotton from India and it is then sent to Melbourne to be milled and sewn into our garments.
With this in mind, we are delighted to share images with you from a recent visit we made to our factory in Coburg, Melbourne. Below, we introduce you to the people who create the real magic for Organic Crew and the ones we value so highly.
David (pictured below), is the factory manager and the third generation of family who have worked in the factory now owned by his parents. David has memories of playing in the factory from the age of 10!
Filiz (pictured with David), has worked at the factory for 22 years! Filiz is (lovingly) hand sewing our striped lounging around pant.

Organic Crew has also recently been accredited with Ethical Clothing Australia, an accreditation body working collaboratively with local textile, clothing and footwear (TCF) companies to ensure their Australian supply chains are transparent and legally compliant. We couldn’t be prouder to have obtained this high level of accreditation.
To read more about the manufacturing process of our garments, please visit our Transparency Production page.