An excerpt from our Gratitude Journal written by Jane Martino
Take a moment each day to slow down and reflect. As an ethically conscious organic apparel brand, Organic Crew is informed, involved, and making a difference. No matter how you choose to practice gratitude, any positive change is worthwhile; allowing us to enjoy optimum wellbeing while gaining resilience to manage the challenges life throws our way.
Practicing gratitude helps us to be better people, parents, lovers, friends, and colleagues. When we fill our daily cup, we are more willing and able to top up the cups of others. It is so important that you feel good. We know that it won’t take long before you notice an immense difference in how you feel day to day by making these simple commitments every morning.
Find a spare moment, whatever that means for you right now and select a daily ritual form the following pages. These are simple but powerful exercises that will focus your mind and energy in the right direction and set the tone for a day filled with the positivity, wonder and abundance you deserve.
Our Gratitude Journal includes a menu of morning rituals, so you can choose those which suit you and your lifestyle best, just as you would a piece from our latest collection. The only requirement from you is to open your heart and feel what rituals appeal most to you and practice them whenever you can.